
  • Apple Spice – 100 ml

    This fragrance blends the fruity tones of ripe Apple with the spicy notes of Cinnamon and Cloves and the sparkling touch of Orange, a discreet blend suitable especially for the living area.
    Main Note: Fruity – Spicy
    Its olfactory pyramid is made up of Red Apple, Cinnamon, Cloves e Orange Peel
    Packaging: 100ml with bamboo sticks included.

  • Apple Spice – 250 ml

    This fragrance blends the fruity tones of ripe Apple with the spicy notes of Cinnamon and Cloves and the sparkling touch of Orange, a discreet blend suitable especially for the living area.
    Main Note: Fruity – Spicy
    Its olfactory pyramid is made up of Green Apple, Cinnamon, Cloves and Orange Peel
    Packaging: 250ml with bamboo sticks included.

  • Apple Spice – 500 ml

    This fragrance blends the fruity tones of ripe Apple with the spicy notes of Cinnamon and Cloves and the sparkling touch of Orange, a discreet blend suitable especially for the living area.
    Main Note: Fruity – Spicy
    Its olfactory pyramid is made up of Green Apple, Cinnamon, Cloves and Orange Peel
    Packaging: 500ml with bamboo sticks included.

  • Confetto di Sulmona – 100 ml

    An enchanting fragrance with gourmand notes, recalling Sundays at the amusement park, the cotton candy, the carousel rides accompanied by the music of the carillon.
    Main Note: Sweet
    Its olfactory pyramid is made up of Cocoa Butter, Almonds and Vanilla
    Packaging: 100ml with bamboo sticks included.

  • Confetto di Sulmona – 250 ml

    An enchanting fragrance with gourmand notes, recalling Sundays at the amusement park, the cotton candy, the carousel rides accompanied by the music of the carillon.
    Main Note: Sweet
    Its olfactory pyramid is made up of Cocoa Butter, Almonds and Vanilla
    Packaging: 250ml with bamboo sticks included.

  • Confetto di Sulmona – 500 ml

    An enchanting fragrance with gourmand notes, recalling Sundays at the amusement park, the cotton candy, the carousel rides accompanied by the music of the carillon.
    Main Note: Sweet
    Its olfactory pyramid is made up of Cocoa Butter, Almonds and Vanilla
    Packaging: 500ml with bamboo sticks included.
